Alu Gamakharia – Director and Funder

Alu Gamakharia – Director and Funder

Alu Gamakharia – Director of Association ,,Peaceful and Business Caucasus”, member of the board.
Manager of Business and Development Network Kutaisi office.
He graduated Moscow Engineering – Economic State University (now University) , specialty engineer – economist .

1974-1993 Lived and worked in Sukhumi, was the the general director of the enterprise `Orgtechnics` (Sokhumkhelsatsko).
1990-2014 – has attended training -seminars  and courses on the following topics:

– Modern management and marketing, with participation of business tours in Europe.
– Accounting reform in Enterprises` under USAID project , Kutaisi

  • In January and March 2013, with Eurasia Partnership Foundation support he passed the consultation and training center courses in the following areas:- Strategic planning;- Human Resource Management;- Project Cycle Management .
    2013-2014 years: Trainings of a joint EU/UNDP initiative COBERM: Use of results-based approaches for confidence building projects.
  •  February-March 2015: Developing strong creative approaches among entrepreneurs

-other various trainings on economics and business, as well as on Conflict management

  • He has published a guide “How to Improve and Manage Own Business.” He conducts training on various non-governmental organizations and the establishment and activities of the Coalition .He regularly organizes or takes part in meetings of public diplomacy within Georgia and abroad in various formats Georgian – Abkhazian and Georgian – Ossetian dialogue.In December 2008 , ” Universal Peace Federation ” – has awarded him with the honorary title of ” Ambassador of Peace”.


Director and Funder
Age number: 73
Phone: +995 599 552 064
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


16 May 2021




Non commerce (non profitable) legal entity Association “Peaceful and Business Caucasus” was registered in accordance with the legislation of Georgia in August 13, 2004. Registration No #5/4102-5/ზ-11.

©2025 Association “Peaceful and Business Caucasus”
